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Featured Game: Cyberpunk 2077

A Quote from GTA V

Political TV commercial

We're fixing the problems that we made, together, which is why it's only fair that you pay for the problems, together.

Submitted by Kovah

More quotes from GTA V

Simeon, Franklin:

Simeon: You tell me exactly what you want, and I will very carefully explain to you why it cannot be.
Franklin: What?

Game: GTA V

We shootin' shit up? Sprayin' some motherfuckers? I can drive-by with the best of'em.

Game: GTA V
Michael, Steve Haines:

Michael: Alright... the fuck is this bullshit? We handled your little immigration problem or whatever the fuck it was. We're straight.
Steve Haines: Oh absolutely... yeah, yeah. You killed people, you tortured people, committed a litany of other crimes... Oh we're so straight you and me, we're arrows.

Game: GTA V

Bring me my coffee or I'm gonna cut your arm off!

Game: GTA V

That girl is beat up from the feet up.

Game: GTA V

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Number of Quotes: 1243
English Quotes 577
German Quotes 666
Number of Games: 558
Since 2011