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Vorgestelltes Spiel: Baldur's Gate 3

Ein Zitat aus The Talos Principle 2


Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.

Gesendet von Kovah

Mehr Zitate aus The Talos Principle 2


God appears & God is Light
To those poor Soulse who dwell in Night
But does a Human form display
To those who dwell in Realms of Day

Zagoran (211), Pellegrino (800):

Zagoran: Remember when you '"fixed" the door to the mayor's office? How long was Herman stuck in there?
Pellegrino: You trap ONE mayor in his office for a week and you're marked for life.

The Sphinx:

If the fool persisted in his foolishness, would he become wise?


It's funny how you can take something that's 90% true and 10% false and create something that's 100% misleading.

Byron about Consciousness:

It is a fundamental property of the universe, an unbreakable law, that matter has the inherent capacity to become more than the sum of its parts.

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Anzahl Zitate: 1345
Englische Zitate 656
Deutsche Zitate 689
Anzahl Spiele: 576
Seit 2011