Ein Zitat aus The Talos Principle 2
The Sphinx
If the fool persisted in his foolishness, would he become wise?
Mehr Zitate aus The Talos Principle 2
Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.
God appears & God is Light
To those poor Soulse who dwell in Night
But does a Human form display
To those who dwell in Realms of Day
Man, some people are just so dumb, I don't know if they're actually conscious. Sometimes I think their whole lives might be like a dream, they're just stumbling around, no idea what's going on, mumbling some random nonsense.
And the thing that you have to understand about our time period is that a lot of these people wield enormous power. They run whole countries and corporations.
We've handed over our civilization to people I wouldn't trust to tie their own shoelaces.
It is a fundamental property of the universe, an unbreakable law, that matter has the inherent capacity to become more than the sum of its parts.
Babies are ugly. Admit it, we all know it, they look like tiny old people covered in mucus. They have soft heads! And they grow into children, tiny sociopaths with underdeveloped brains. And then they become teenagers, pimply self-righteous lunatics driven by hormones.
And then, slowly, if you're lucky, they gradually become adults.