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Featured Game: Cyberpunk 2077

A Quote from Cyberpunk 2077

Johnny about Joshua

He's fucked in the head, the world's fucked in the head - and you're fucked in the head 'cause MY fucked up head is inside it.
Guess if you want to save the world, that's the first step - get fucked in the head.

Submitted by Kovah

More quotes from Cyberpunk 2077

Johnny to Alt:

What, smoking after sex not Zen enough for you? We gotta rewrite "The Art of War", too?


Didn't go through hell and back just to stand in front of a door.

V, Sergei:

V: You Sergei?
Sergei: Nice of you to ask. Lately I feel there is neon sign over my head that says "Sergei who fuck with Tiger Claws."


Well, that way you'd kill two souls. Is that what you want?


Be alone with my thoughts? Near on unachievable these days.

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Number of Quotes: 1243
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