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Featured Game: Baldur's Gate 3

A Quote from Borderlands 2


Can't think of anything I want dead right now. I'm sure I'll think of somethin', though.

Submitted by RoyalFails

More quotes from Borderlands 2

Mr. Torgue:

Nothing is more badass than treating a woman with respect.


Of all my Slabs, I gotta say, you're the least insane. Wish I coulda formed an army to fight Jack that didn't consist of lunatics and idiots, but hey. You play the cards you're dealt. Most of my cards just happen to have blood on 'em.


You know, I gotta come up with a title for you -- a rank, maybe. Somethin' to differentiate you from the other Slabs. How about... Super-Badass? Or, no, wait... Lord of Asskickery? I dunno. Somethin'll come to me.

Sanctuary Citizen:

I used to be a millionaire, you know. Owned the Atlas corp. Lost it all!


Man, I haven't been to Sanctuary since Roland kicked my ass out a few years back. It's lookin' nice. From where we're standin', you can see the spot where I ripped that snitch in half. Looks like they did a pretty good job cleanin' up the blood.

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