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A Quote from Portal 2

Cave Johnson

All these science spheres are made of asbestos by the way, keeps out the rats. Let us know if you feel a shortness of breathe, a persistent dry cough or your heart stopping, because that's not part of the test. That's asbestos.

Submitted by Kovah

More quotes from Portal 2

Cave Johnson:

Bean counters said I couldn't fire a man just for being in a wheelchair. Did it anyway. Ramps are expensive.

Cave Johnson:

I've got some advice about getting covered in the propulsion gel.... do not get covered in the propulsion gel.


You look ugly in that jumpsuit. That's not my opinion; it's right here on your fact sheet. They said on everyone else it looked fine, but on you, it looked hideous. But still what does an old engineer know about fashion? Oh, wait, it's a she. Still, what does she know about - oh, wait. She has a medical degree. In fashion. From France.


How about I read you a story? Once upon a time there were three little pigs. I'm emphasising the past tense because they all died. Just like you will. I really like the story.


Good work getting this far, future-starter! That said, if you are simple-minded, old, or irradiated in such a way that the future should not start with you, please return to your primitive tribe and send back someone better-qualified for testing.

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