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A Quote from Deus Ex 1

Bob Page

Go ahead! Blow this place sky-high... You might get rid of ME, but you'll take down Aquinas, the power grid, the whole electronic infrastructure - is that what you want?! Are you completely nuts?!

Submitted by RoyalFails

More quotes from Deus Ex 1


The unplanned organism is a question asked by nature and answered by death. You are a different kind of question, with a different kind of answer.

Bob Page:

Bet you didn't know your mom and dad tried to protest when we put you in training. They loved their little boy, JC, and that's why they're dead. I'm sending up the man who did the job.

JC Denton:

I never had time to take the Oath of Service to the Coalition. How about this one? I swear not to rest until UNATCO is free of you and the other crooked bureaucrats who have perverted its mission.

JC Denton:

You mechs may have copper wiring to reroute your fear of pain, but I've got nerves of steel.

Deus Ex:

I spill my drink!

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