A Quote from The Secret of Monkey Island
Sword Teacher
Swordfighting is a little like making love. It's not always what you do, but what you say.
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Your world as you knew it is gone. How far would you go to bring it back? Shepherd created a war, but only we knew the truth.
Do you like hurting people?
Tom: Turing tests are tests designed to tell humans and machines apart. Typical problems only solvable by a human. A combination of logical and lateral thinking.
Ava: So you can't complete these tests Tom?
Tom: No. That is why I am glad you are here to help.
Simeon: You tell me exactly what you want, and I will very carefully explain to you why it cannot be.
Franklin: What?
Catalina: Are you going to fight for my love?
CJ: No. I can take rejection.