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Epic Lines: the best Quotes in Gaming history
Featured Game: Baldur's Gate 3

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Johnny about Joshua:

He's fucked in the head, the world's fucked in the head - and you're fucked in the head 'cause MY fucked up head is inside it.
Guess if you want to save the world, that's the first step - get fucked in the head.


I'll be there later to sign the contracts. Just ignore the bodies…

Game: GTA V
Dr. Wallace Breen:

Dr. Freeman, you really shouldn't be out there. At the moment of synapse, as I teleport, this chamber will be bathed in deadly particles that have yet to be named by human science. Perhaps when I have the leisure to do the work myself, I'll name one after you. That way you won't be completely forgotten.
When the singularity collapses, I will be far away from here. In another universe, as a matter of fact! You, on the other hand, will be destroyed in every way it is possible to be destroyed - and even in some which are essentially impossible!

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Higgeldy Piggeldy blue china eyes
My love comes to me in the fairest disguise
We skips and we totters
I seize her hind trotters
And enter her porcelain thighs.


The wind whistling through boarded-up windows. Tumbleweeds scratching across dry, sandy tracks. That's how towns die. Not with a bang, but with whispers and whimpers.

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Game Quotes Statistics

Number of Quotes: 1344
English Quotes 655
German Quotes 689
Number of Games: 576
Since 2011