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Featured Game: Baldur's Gate 3

A Quote from Cyberpunk 2077


Didn't go through hell and back just to stand in front of a door.

Submitted by Cytarz

More quotes from Cyberpunk 2077

Yorinobu Arasaka:

If planting bombs net enough, what can you do? You become bomb.


Assessment, Assembly, Action.
Whatever your task, you do three things. Start by assessing what you already have and what you'll face, the problem. Then you plan with those variables in mind. Take what you have, get what you need, assemble things, people. Finally, you take action. Simple.

V, Zen Master:

V: What is the sound of one hand clapping?
Zen Master: That depends - is someone clapping with you?


Bullets don't distinguish between tough and weak.

Ballad of two sisters:

There once were two sisters, Night and Death,
Death large, and Night small,
Night had the beauty of dreams, while Death,
Death was most lovely of all -

Hey nonny nonny, hey nonny nonny!
Death was most lovely of all.

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