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Epic Lines: the best Quotes in Gaming history
Featured Game: Baldur's Gate 3

A Quote from The Talos Principle 2


The truth cannot be pursued or uncovered, it can only be found where it has already taken root.

Submitted by Kovah

More quotes from The Talos Principle 2


The honest philosopher is rewarded with poison; the hypocrite is rewarded with power.


Is it possible that on some level, people want to believe that everything's going to get worse? That it's comforting to think that humanity is bad and every solution will just go wrong? Because that way, you're never responsible. You never have to take on responsibility for anything outside yourself and never have to grow up.


You, sir, are a moron of the highest order.

1K, Melville:

1K: There will always be user error.
Melville: I think I could idiot proof this thing... but I do take your point. Pellegrino once almost killed himself with a bucket.

Error - Unknown:

perhaps faith is neither choice nor submission
perhaps faith is a demand
for our pain to have meaning
for the stories of the world to rhyme
for a world designed by a loving hand

perhaps I will believe with defiance
in the forgiveness of all sins
in the kingdom of god on earth
and even
the resurrection of the dead

I will believe with clenched fists
and gritted teeth
and prayers that refuse
to be gentle

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