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Vorgestelltes Spiel: Baldur's Gate 3

Ein Zitat aus The Talos Principle 2

Valeria Contera-Romero

Just because it's all pimples and hormones and frustration right now doesn't mean it's never going to change.

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Mehr Zitate aus The Talos Principle 2

Byron about Consciousness:

It is a fundamental property of the universe, an unbreakable law, that matter has the inherent capacity to become more than the sum of its parts.


The world is so much bigger than we are. It contains things that we can't even imagine, and if we limit outselves to our own minds, we'll never grow.


Man, some people are just so dumb, I don't know if they're actually conscious. Sometimes I think their whole lives might be like a dream, they're just stumbling around, no idea what's going on, mumbling some random nonsense.
And the thing that you have to understand about our time period is that a lot of these people wield enormous power. They run whole countries and corporations.
We've handed over our civilization to people I wouldn't trust to tie their own shoelaces.

Emesh (150):

I walk in the garden without fear,
As stars swirl across the sky
And I stand amongst the tall lilies
Who lift their faces to the passing eons.
Here I will do no harm
And no harm will come to me
For at last my long journey is over
And I am at home.


It's funny how you can take something that's 90% true and 10% false and create something that's 100% misleading.

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