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Vorgestelltes Spiel: Baldur's Gate 3

Ein Zitat aus The Talos Principle 2

Valeria Contera-Romero

Just because it's all pimples and hormones and frustration right now doesn't mean it's never going to change.

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Mehr Zitate aus The Talos Principle 2


God appears & God is Light
To those poor Soulse who dwell in Night
But does a Human form display
To those who dwell in Realms of Day


Not all things must be balanced. When good is weighted against evil, tip the scale.


The world is so much bigger than we are. It contains things that we can't even imagine, and if we limit outselves to our own minds, we'll never grow.


Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.

Byron, Alcatraz:

Byron: We barely even scavenge anymore.
Alcatraz: You call it stagnation, I call it balance.
Byron: And I call you an idiot.

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Anzahl Zitate: 1344
Englische Zitate 655
Deutsche Zitate 689
Anzahl Spiele: 576
Seit 2011