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Epic Lines: the best Quotes in Gaming history
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Ther is no tool that is not also a weapon; and no human that would wield it as one.


The honest philosopher is rewarded with poison; the hypocrite is rewarded with power.


If humankind had no more cause for war, if would make war for sport instead.


God appears, and God is light,
to those poor souls who well in night,
but does a human form display,
to those who dwell in realms of day.


The truth cannot be pursued or uncovered, it can only be found where it has already taken root.

1K, Melville:

1K: There will always be user error.
Melville: I think I could idiot proof this thing... but I do take your point. Pellegrino once almost killed himself with a bucket.

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Straton wrote that the most common error we commit is to think that ideas determine reality, when in fact the opposite is true. Ideas follow from material conditions; belief systems are formed to explain and justify the way we live. We did not have kings because we believed in the mandate of heaven; we believed in the mandate of heaven because we lived in monarchies.

Error - Unknown:

perhaps faith is neither choice nor submission
perhaps faith is a demand
for our pain to have meaning
for the stories of the world to rhyme
for a world designed by a loving hand

perhaps I will believe with defiance
in the forgiveness of all sins
in the kingdom of god on earth
and even
the resurrection of the dead

I will believe with clenched fists
and gritted teeth
and prayers that refuse
to be gentle

Against Decay:

We live in a decaying system, which in turn produces ideologies of decay to justify its existence.

No matter what cultural signifiers they get packaged with, these ideologies come down to the same material result: a future in which for the average person there is less of everything. To paraphrase Mark Fisher, we find it easier to imagine the decline of civilization than to imagine a civilization worth living in.


User tried to make changes to their own device settings which could result in an infinite regress and/or omnipotence. There is only room for one god around here.


The beauty of the universe and the beauty of what we can accomplish within it are two related but separate things, and the separation matters.

The New Theology:

When you are asked, "Where is God? Who is God?" stand up and say, "I am God and here is God, not as yet completed, but still advancing towards completion, just in so much as I am working for the purpose of the universe, working for the good of the whole of society and the whole world, instead of merely looking after my personal ends."


You, sir, are a moron of the highest order.


There's no human building that can survive without maintenance. Roots are stronger than concrete.


Identity has no meaning without society, and society has no meaning without the individual.

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