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Epic Lines: the best Quotes in Gaming history
Featured Game: Baldur's Gate 3

A Quote from Gears of War 1

Dom, Marcus

Dom: Did you hear that? What the hell’s that sound?
Marcus: It’s just the wind.
Dom: Yeah, right. When was the last time the wind said 'hostiles' to you?

Submitted by FlashGod

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A hero need not speak. When he is gone, the world will speak for him.

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Trevor to Ron:

Now go! I need to meditate. Or masturbate. Or both.

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I am lightning!


It was crazy as hell. He must've been tweaking. I know I am. You got a washing machine I could take apart?

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I used to be an adventurer like you … then I took an arrow in the knee.

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Game Quotes Statistics

Number of Quotes: 1345
English Quotes 656
German Quotes 689
Number of Games: 576
Since 2011