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A Quote from Cyberpunk 2077

Information about Johnny

He burned down half the city just to prove he was right and burned the other half just for fun.

Submitted by Cytarz

More quotes from Cyberpunk 2077

Rogue, Johnny:

Rogue: Johnny, remember the plan?
Johnny: Get the payload on the elevator, arm it, let gravity do its thing. Explosion rocks the foundation, tower crumbles - chaos, screaming, roll credits.

Johnny to V:

Not the brightest bulb on stage, are ya?

V, Panam:

V: Nice ride. Lots of space. Practical.
Panam: Say no more. Please.
V: How the hell'd you land in this mess?
Panam: I liked the color. The air freshener and booster seat came extra.
V: You know I don't mean the car.


Oo, I love this town! Love it like you might love a mother who popped you out on the steps of an orphanage and now stops you to ask if you got a smoke for her!


Work for yourself, live for yourself. That's the only way.

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