A Quote from Cyberpunk 2077
Saburo Arasaka
I have found that people lie, most often deceiving themselves. Not so the dead...
The dead are so very, very loud. And yet, lying is not in their nature.
It its so... humbling - to listen to the dead speak.
More quotes from Cyberpunk 2077
V: Said it yourself - you can kick the rat outta the corp...
Jackie: But you'll never kick the corp outta the rat.
Vision without action is a dream. Action without vision is a nightmare. We should remember this.
True love comes to die in Night City. Husbands cheat on wives - wives cheat on husbands. Then they divorce and talk behind each other's backs.
He's fucked in the head, the world's fucked in the head - and you're fucked in the head 'cause MY fucked up head is inside it.
Guess if you want to save the world, that's the first step - get fucked in the head.
Rogue: Johnny, remember the plan?
Johnny: Get the payload on the elevator, arm it, let gravity do its thing. Explosion rocks the foundation, tower crumbles - chaos, screaming, roll credits.