A Quote from Disco Elysium
Conceptualization about Cuno
If ther ever was such a thing as an ugly kid, then this is it. He's almost exquisite in his ugliness. Like a gremlin.
More quotes from Disco Elysium
The furies are at home in the mirror; it is their address. Even the clearest water, if deep enough can drown.
Ooh, the piggies have learned to saunter up staircases. I didn't think you could do that with hooves. But - her you are.
Ancient Reptilian Brain: There is nothing. Only warm, primordial blackness. Your conscience ferments in it - no largher than a single grain of malt. You don't have to do anything anymore.
Never ever.
Player: Never ever ever?
René, you're a man with a fork in a world of soup.
Mirror: A mirror hangs above a bent and broken sink. In a fierce discharge of masculine energy, someone has ripped half of the faucet off.
Conceptualization: Was this not the same elan that founds empires and lays waste to cities, virile, uncaring towards the little things?