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Epic Lines: the best Quotes in Gaming history
Featured Game: Baldur's Gate 3

A Quote from Thief II: The Metal Age

Book Entry

Reliance upon others is a weakness for the strong but strength for the weak. Wisdom and balance lie in knowing your nature over time.

Submitted by Binaryterminator

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Security Guard:

Eat this, you outer-space octopus!


Weaponizing deamons. For a brighter tomorrow!

Game: Doom 4

Oh, you're here. Awesome. Zer0, let them in. Zer0? You here buddy? Open up the door. Great, now Zer0's missing. I guess I'll buzz you in myself, since the CEO has to do ALL the work around here!

Daniel's diary, 17 May 1839:

The faint glow escaped my fingers and began to spark brightly and spirit me away. Unlocking alien memories of spiralling towers, endless deserts, and impossible geometry.

Ava, Tom:

Tom: Imagine you are in a room. In this room you are passed Chinese sentences trough a slot in the wall. Inside the room is an instruction book written in English. This instruction book tells you which Chinese words to pass back trough the slot in the wall as a response. By doing so you have a conversation in Chinese.
In the Chinese room, because the response you pass back trough the door are the correct responses the person on the other side of the door is convinced you are a native Chinese speaker.
Ava: Well, they're wrong. But the person stuck in the Chinese room is not aware of the conversations content.
Tom: This is a problem with the Turing Test. A computer can pass the Turing Test having convinced a human they are having a polite conversation. While the computer has no idea that a conversation has taken place.
Ava: What if both people passing Chinese words are reading from the instruction books?

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