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A Quote from Cyberpunk 2077

Johnny to Alt

What, smoking after sex not Zen enough for you? We gotta rewrite "The Art of War", too?

Submitted by Cytarz

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Łasice pozdrawiają wilki

Weasels salute the wolves


Swap meat for chrome, live a BD fantasy, whatever, but at the end of it all, it's the code you live by that defines who you are.


Corpo or not, without chrome we all look like the same idiotic, bullet-riddled sacks of meat.

The world as will and idea:

Man dies the way he was born: soft, weak and helpless. Death, the one certainty in this universe of chaos, can be both a tragic end and a release from suffering, It can come as an unexpected twist, or as a beautiful, crowning counterpart to a live well lived. The curse we face as humanity, the only living beings in constant awareness of death, is our inordinate focus on the fact. How much happier is the life of the gazelle that escapes the cheetah's clutches, thinking that it evaded death once and for all, than the poor soul living out his days knowing each step inches him closer to the void!

V citing Ernest Hemingway:

"When you go to war as a boy, you have a great illusion of immortality. Other people get killed, not you... Then, when you are badly wounded the first time, you lose that illusion."

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