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A Quote from Cyberpunk 2077

Johnny to Alt

What, smoking after sex not Zen enough for you? We gotta rewrite "The Art of War", too?

Submitted by Cytarz

More quotes from Cyberpunk 2077


Corpo or not, without chrome we all look like the same idiotic, bullet-riddled sacks of meat.

Johnny to V:

Not the brightest bulb on stage, are ya?

Information about Johnny:

He burned down half the city just to prove he was right and burned the other half just for fun.

V, Sergei:

V: You Sergei?
Sergei: Nice of you to ask. Lately I feel there is neon sign over my head that says "Sergei who fuck with Tiger Claws."


Another sinner finds himself in the place he belongs to. A trunk.
Gustavo now suffers the purgatory he deserves. And perhaps has a moment to examine his conscience. Let's hope he finds it before the trunk opens back up.

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