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A Quote from Fallout 3

Moira Brown, Player

Moira: It's like... Did you ever try to put a broken piece of glass together? Even if the peices fit, you can't make it whole again the way it was. But if you're clever, you can still use the pieces to make other useful things. Mabye something wonderful, like a mosaic. Well, the world broke like glass, and everyone's trying to put it back together like it was, but it'll never come together the same way.
Player: I don't know. Human nature doesn't change like that.
Moira: Maybe, I've certainly heard people say that. But isn't it also human nature to try to do better than we always have?

Submitted by Z5489

More quotes from Fallout 3

Liberty Prime:

Death is a preferable alternative to communism.

Liberty Prime:

Communism is the very definition of failure.

Talking Tree:

Well, his name's really Bob. I think it's funny to call him Herbert. But I don't think he thinks it's that funny.

Little Buster:

But with this guy, it might have cost me some bad burns or an ass-rape. I'm all for risking my life, but I'm a little sensitive about asshole.

Player to General Jingwei:

I'm going to kill you SO MUCH.

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