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Featured Game: Cyberpunk 2077

A Quote from Cyberpunk 2077

Yorinobu Arasaka

If planting bombs net enough, what can you do? You become bomb.

Submitted by Cytarz

More quotes from Cyberpunk 2077

Rogue, Johnny:

Rogue: Johnny, remember the plan?
Johnny: Get the payload on the elevator, arm it, let gravity do its thing. Explosion rocks the foundation, tower crumbles - chaos, screaming, roll credits.


Some people are only nice because they're afraid of getting hurt. Or 'cause their religion tells 'em to be.


Assessment, Assembly, Action.
Whatever your task, you do three things. Start by assessing what you already have and what you'll face, the problem. Then you plan with those variables in mind. Take what you have, get what you need, assemble things, people. Finally, you take action. Simple.


It's like uncle Estevez always said - "If you gotta choose between your ride and savin' someone else's life, always choose the ride."

V, Sergei:

V: You Sergei?
Sergei: Nice of you to ask. Lately I feel there is neon sign over my head that says "Sergei who fuck with Tiger Claws."

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