A Quote from Cyberpunk 2077
Jackie to V
Hey, hermano. Your new life... it starts now.
More quotes from Cyberpunk 2077
V: What is the sound of one hand clapping?
Zen Master: That depends - is someone clapping with you?
When you live among humans, it's essential to find a shared, fundamental point of understanding. "Truth" and "Good" are values proven to cause division, whereas beauty is universal.
The city of dreams. I'd gladly kick the balls off the idiot who thought that one up.
V: Nice ride. Lots of space. Practical.
Panam: Say no more. Please.
V: How the hell'd you land in this mess?
Panam: I liked the color. The air freshener and booster seat came extra.
V: You know I don't mean the car.
Some people are only nice because they're afraid of getting hurt. Or 'cause their religion tells 'em to be.