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A Quote from Cyberpunk 2077

V, Hajime

V: Hajime, lemme ask you something. What would you say to a person who walked right into their greatest foe's jail to safe their life?
Hajime: Hm. I would say "All right. But do not forget the way home."

Submitted by Cytarz

More quotes from Cyberpunk 2077

V, Padre:

V: So, Padre. You think Jackie's looking don upon us... from up there?
Padre: I believe he has met God, stood before him.
V: That's it?
Padre: I don't know if God left the meeting happy, but I'm pretty certain Jackie did.


Sushi in Night City...? Sounds like suicide. And somehow disrespectful.

V, Johnny:

V: Guess I meant, I dunno... a happier ending... for everyone involved.
Johnny: Here, for folks like us? Wrong city, wrong people.


Once upon a time, people were talking to graves and nobody batted an eyelid, right?


The city of dreams. I'd gladly kick the balls off the idiot who thought that one up.

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