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The best Quotes from your favorite Games
Featured Game: Cyberpunk 2077

A Quote from Far Cry 2

The Jackal

You can't break a man the way you break a dog or a horse. The harder you beat a man, the taller he stands.

Submitted by EvilKnievil

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You make me want a lobotomy!

Game: GTA V

Do you think I'm trying to trick you with reverse psychology? I mean, seriously, now.

Max Payne:

Death is inevitable. Our fear of it makes us play safe, blocks out emotion. It's a losing game. Without passion you are already dead.

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Yoga unifies the mind and body while freeing you from the limitations of dignity and self-respect. It's a work out, a philosophy, and a metaphor all rolled into one. It is everything. It is nothing. Be. Be nothing.

Game: GTA V
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Something died inside of him that day. Watching that man slip away was more than his mind was willing to handle.

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Number of Quotes: 1243
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Number of Games: 558
Since 2011