A Quote from Mafia I
Mr. Salieri
There's a million words out there, and the man who needs to resort to "fuck this" and "fuck that" is just ignoirant or lazy.
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Frank: Jenkins is your lead, right? Is he what everyone says he is?
V: What's everyone say about Jenkins?
Frank: That he's effective. Like any psychopath. Apparently, he's gone a little crazier lately.
Okay, almost there. On the other side of that wall is one of the old testing tracks. There's a piece of equipment in there we're gonna need to get out of here. I think this is a docking station. Get ready...
smashes into wall
Good news: that is NOT a docking station. So there's one mystery solved. I'm going to attempt a manual override on this wall. Could get a bit technical! Hold on!
smashes into wall, again
Michael: I'm trying to relate to you.
Jimmy: No, you're trying to take me on some nostalgia trip. You're such a cliche.
Michael: Oh! says the dope-smoking, game-playing, live-at-home, world-owes-him-a-living millennial.
Mister, if you can get the power on, that train will take us straight to the surface. I would try it myself, but it's a long way down the generator room, and there are... things, in the way...
1K: There will always be user error.
Melville: I think I could idiot proof this thing... but I do take your point. Pellegrino once almost killed himself with a bucket.