A Quote from Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II
Gabriel Angelos
It is a sign of strength, to cry out against fate, rather than to bow one's head and succumb.
More quotes from Game Quotes
The lab boys just informed me that I should not have mentioned the control group. They're telling me I oughta stop making these prerecorded messages. That gave me an idea - make more prerecorded messages! I pay the bills here; I can talk about the control group all damn day.
I need a weapon.
That girl is beat up from the feet up.
Just when we thought Macroware was done putting out unfinished games, we get this piping hot plate of spaghetti code. Frankly, I don't even know where to start. From the "story mode" which feels like it was cobbled together from the half-baked ideas of six writers working in different time zones, to the non-intuitive tutorials, to the ridiculous lag that had me up making a fresh cup of coffee between each punch, and finally to the head-scratching localization foul-ups. (Honestly, the dialogues make no sense in any language. What the hell were they originally written in? Swiss?)
Player: No machine should have free will.
Nick Valentine: Why? You jealous you had to turn yours in?