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Epic Lines: the best Quotes in Gaming history
Featured Game: Baldur's Gate 3

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Trevor, Michael:

Trevor: I asked for a fair day's pay for a fair day's work. Well, he kinda got a little angry. So, I admit, I kinda got a little angry too.
Michael: Did you kill him?
Trevor: What kinda fucking animal do you take me for? No, I didn't kill him!

Michael sighs with relief

Trevor: But I did kidnap his wife.

Game: GTA V
Cpt. Price:

Your world as you knew it is gone. How far would you go to bring it back? Shepherd created a war, but only we knew the truth.


I am lightning!

Gray Fox:

Fighting was the only thing I was ever good at, but at least I always fought for what I believed in.


Vision without action is a dream. Action without vision is a nightmare. We should remember this.

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Game Quotes Statistics

Number of Quotes: 1344
English Quotes 655
German Quotes 689
Number of Games: 576
Since 2011