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Featured Game: Cyberpunk 2077

A Quote from Cyberpunk 2077

Meredith Stout

Sometimes two people find themselves at the wrong place at the right time.

Submitted by Cytarz

More quotes from Cyberpunk 2077

V about a Cyberpsycho:

Guess even pneumatic arms can't lift morale in a toxic workplace.

V, Ozob:

V: Doesn't it bother you?
Ozob: What?
V: The grenade. You know, the one on your face?
Ozob: Eh, you get used to it. I just gotta be carefull not to pull the pin when I wanna pick my nose.

V, Sergei:

V: You Sergei?
Sergei: Nice of you to ask. Lately I feel there is neon sign over my head that says "Sergei who fuck with Tiger Claws."

Yorinobu Arasaka:

If planting bombs net enough, what can you do? You become bomb.

Jackie, T-Bug:

Jackie: Ahhh, there's the awkward silence. You, uh, wanna hear a joke?
T-Bug: Now? Seriously?
Jackie: Ok, so why'd the rockerboy's output kick him out of the apartment? ... Cause he wasn't chippin' in. Hahaa!

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