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Featured Game: Cyberpunk 2077

A Quote from Cyberpunk 2077


Corpo or not, without chrome we all look like the same idiotic, bullet-riddled sacks of meat.

Submitted by Cytarz

More quotes from Cyberpunk 2077


Sushi in Night City...? Sounds like suicide. And somehow disrespectful.


Be alone with my thoughts? Near on unachievable these days.


Well, that way you'd kill two souls. Is that what you want?

V to Johnny:

Listen, if I had to choose who to hole up with on a desert island, it wouldn't be you. Ever. Hell, the whole cast of "Little Big Corporats" would have you beat. 'Cause you're a dickhead, in a big way. And sure, plenty of other out there are more deservin' of life. but even so... I'd never wish you dead.


Give yourself time. Ideas'll come. Life'll shake you, roll you, maybe embrace you. The music'll find you.

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