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Epic Lines: the best Quotes in Gaming history
Featured Game: Baldur's Gate 3

A Quote from Final Fantasy 2


Next to you I realize just how pathetic I am...

Submitted by mrManiakkk

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Enjoy myself? There's a worm in my brain, I'm surrounded by idiots, and all I've got to drink is wine that tastes like vinegar.

Dr. Isaac Kleiner:

Well, Gordon, I see your HEV Suit still fits you like a glove. At least, the glove parts do.


Who dares judge the dead, for they are nothing.

Who dares to judge the living, for they are damned to nothingness.

Brigid Tenenbaum:

They offered you the city, and you refused it. And what did you do instead? What I've come to expect from you; you saved them. You gave them the one thing that was stolen from them. A chance. A chance to learn. To find love. To live. And in the end what was your reward? You never said. But I think I know: a family.


Scientist: "Do you think we should appeal to the alien authorities?"
Scientist 2: "Absolutely not!"

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Number of Quotes: 1345
English Quotes 656
German Quotes 689
Number of Games: 576
Since 2011