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Featured Game: Cyberpunk 2077

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Bruce Isaac:

Also, I might have... umm... sort of... plowed his daughter. A little.

Player to Emily Ortal:

[Barter 40] Dr. Courier diagnoses a terminally low discussion of caps in this conversation.

No-bark Noonan:

Well, says No-bark, we got a chupacabra with an automatic weapon. And that's when they get real quiet, 'cause now they see the predicament we're in.


Jimmy? Little Jimmy - my, how you're grown up. So good of you to come visit your grandma.

Beatrix Russell:

Longing makes the heart grow founder, but I've always been a fan of hog-typing my lovers to make sure they can't escape.

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Game Quotes Statistics

Number of Quotes: 1243
English Quotes 577
German Quotes 666
Number of Games: 558
Since 2011