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Epic Lines: the best Quotes in Gaming history
Featured Game: Baldur's Gate 3

A Quote from GTA V


You look like you struggle with simple tasks.

Submitted by Kovah

More quotes from GTA V

Michael, Jimmy:

Michael: Well, I had to. To protect you.
Jimmy: Yeah, keep telling yourself that, when you see their faces every time you close your eyes. Here we are. The bike rental place. Please don't shoot the bike rental guy out of, like, force of habit.

Game: GTA V
Ortega, Trevor:

Ortega: What the fuck, Trevor?
Trevor: This is the fuck, my soggy friend! You are out of business. The Lost MC are out of business. The guns and crank in this area go through Trevor Philips Enterprise, or they ain't going!

Game: GTA V

Stop it! You're ruining my yoga!

Game: GTA V
Trevor showing Floyd his dick:

Mine ain't nothin' special, but this boy gets the job done.

Game: GTA V
Jimmy De Santa, Michael:

Jimmy: Hey, let's bounce.
Michael: Bounce? We're bouncing now? Is that what we're doing? Jesus fucking Christ.

Game: GTA V

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Number of Games: 576
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