A Quote from GTA V
Michael, Trevor
Michael: Come back, we'll order pizza.
Trevor: Fuck you! Fuck your pizza. Fuck everything it stands for!
More quotes from GTA V
Stop it! You're ruining my yoga!
Have you read the manual for this thing?
Like, the other day, he posts this picture of his newborn, and I'm all like "Damn, son. That right there is one ugly-ass motherfucker of a baby." And I'm all like "My balls is prettier than that baby", and then I sent him a picture of my balls. "I seen roadkill prettier than that baby. What the hell is wrong with your baby?" And he's all like "Actually, there's a problem with its chromosomes," or something, and it's actually a miracle it survived birth. And I'm all like "It's actually a miracle I survived seeing a picture of its ugly..."
I think that I would recognize my own underwear, now give them back!
Lamar: I'm getting my money in the hood, I'm straight, fool. I'm cool!
Franklin: You cool? Cool what? Slinging dope and throwing up gang signs?