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Epic Lines: the best Quotes in Gaming history
Featured Game: Baldur's Gate 3

A Quote from Kingdom Hearts 1


I don’t need a weapon; my friends are my power!

Submitted by D1abl0

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Curiosity Sphere:

Who are you? What is that? Oh, What's that? What's THAT? What is THAT?


We impose order on the chaos of organic evolution. You exist because we allow it, and you will end because we demand it.

V, Johnny:

V: Guess I meant, I dunno... a happier ending... for everyone involved.
Johnny: Here, for folks like us? Wrong city, wrong people.


Come in, Cooper! Do you copy? Forget about Freeman, we're abandoning the base. If you have any last bomb targets, mark them on the tactical map. Otherwise, get the hell out of there! Repeat, we are pulling out and commencing airstrikes, give us targets or get below!

Max Payne:

The sun went down with practiced bravado. Twilight crawled across the sky, laden with foreboding. I didn’t like the way the show started. But they had given me the best seat in the house. Front row center.

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Number of Quotes: 1302
English Quotes 629
German Quotes 673
Number of Games: 576
Since 2011