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Epic Lines: the best Quotes in Gaming history
Featured Game: Baldur's Gate 3

A Quote from GTA V


Why did I move here? I guess it was the weather. Or the... Ah, I don't know, that thing. That magic. You see it in the movies. I wanted to retire. From what I was doing, you know? From that, that... line of work. Be a good guy for once, a family man. So, I bought a big house. Came here, put my feet up, and thought I'd be a dad like all the other dads. My kids, would be like the kids on TV, we play ball and sit in the sun... But well, you know how it is.

Submitted by Kovah

More quotes from GTA V


Look at me. I'm cranked on speed most of the time, but I'm productivity personified.

Game: GTA V
Lamar, Trevor:

Lamar: The fucker got fucked. He fucked the fucker himself.
Trevor: Shut up.

Game: GTA V

You're back, man. WE are back. All we gotta do is bust out Brad and then we're golden, man! Franklin, he makes us multicultural. Lester makes it cyber. We're like modern America. We just get ourselves a gay friend, and BAM!

Game: GTA V

I think that I would recognize my own underwear, now give them back!

Game: GTA V
Michael De Santa:

You forget a thousand things every day, pal. Make sure this is one of 'em.

Game: GTA V

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Game Quotes Statistics

Number of Quotes: 1302
English Quotes 629
German Quotes 673
Number of Games: 576
Since 2011