A Quote from Fallout: New Vegas
Bruce Isaac
Also, I might have... umm... sort of... plowed his daughter. A little.
More quotes from Fallout: New Vegas
You did a super job wrapping things up! And I'm not just saying that because I have to.
[Speech 40/50] But the girl is sick.With classic symptoms of, uh... Vagina Dentata?
Commie ghosts what don't know they're dead. Hoping to steal our rockets so they can fly up and paint the moon pink and draw a Lenin face on it.
Well, says No-bark, we got a chupacabra with an automatic weapon. And that's when they get real quiet, 'cause now they see the predicament we're in.
Jimmy? Little Jimmy - my, how you're grown up. So good of you to come visit your grandma.