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A Quote from GTA V


You're back, man. WE are back. All we gotta do is bust out Brad and then we're golden, man! Franklin, he makes us multicultural. Lester makes it cyber. We're like modern America. We just get ourselves a gay friend, and BAM!

Submitted by Kovah

More quotes from GTA V

Wade, Trevor:

Wade: Are we nearly there yet?
Trevor: No, Wade.
Wade: Are nearly NEARLY there?
Trevor: You keep this up, you're not gonna get there at all.

Game: GTA V
Michael De Santa:

You forget a thousand things every day, pal. Make sure this is one of 'em.

Game: GTA V
Michael, Steve Haines:

Michael: It feels like I'm giving a colonoscopy to the Statue of Happiness.
Steve Haines: Nice change from being up Trevor Phillips' ass all day.

Game: GTA V
Jimmy De Santa, Michael:

Jimmy: Hey, let's bounce.
Michael: Bounce? We're bouncing now? Is that what we're doing? Jesus fucking Christ.

Game: GTA V
Steve, Michael:

Steve Haines: The problem with this job is I only get to know the criminals who are dumb enough to get themselves caught.
Michael: Only I didn't get myself caught. Remember? I turned myself in.
Steve Haines: That makes you doubly dumb.

Game: GTA V

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Number of Quotes: 1243
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