A Quote from GTA V
I think that I would recognize my own underwear, now give them back!
More quotes from GTA V
Fuck man, you know how it is, homie. You just start running and shit. Then all of a sudden your legs give in and you just can't run no more.
Michael: It feels like I'm giving a colonoscopy to the Statue of Happiness.
Steve Haines: Nice change from being up Trevor Phillips' ass all day.
We're fixing the problems that we made, together, which is why it's only fair that you pay for the problems, together.
Simeon: You tell me exactly what you want, and I will very carefully explain to you why it cannot be.
Franklin: What?
Michael: I'm trying to relate to you.
Jimmy: No, you're trying to take me on some nostalgia trip. You're such a cliche.
Michael: Oh! says the dope-smoking, game-playing, live-at-home, world-owes-him-a-living millennial.