A Quote from GTA V
Trevor, Michael
Trevor: You know, Franklin, if there's one thing that you're gonna learn from being around us...
Michael: Plead fuckin' insanity. Then they can't fry ya.
More quotes from GTA V
Trevor: I asked for a fair day's pay for a fair day's work. Well, he kinda got a little angry. So, I admit, I kinda got a little angry too.
Michael: Did you kill him?
Trevor: What kinda fucking animal do you take me for? No, I didn't kill him!
Michael sighs with relief
Trevor: But I did kidnap his wife.
She looks like a bloodhound in front of a wind mill.
Lester: It's hard to get motivated on a job without financial incentive.
Michael: You can't put a price on freedom.
Why did I move here? I guess it was the weather.
Ortega: What the fuck, Trevor?
Trevor: This is the fuck, my soggy friend! You are out of business. The Lost MC are out of business. The guns and crank in this area go through Trevor Philips Enterprise, or they ain't going!