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A Quote from GTA V


I'm rich, I'm miserable - I'm pretty average for this town.

Submitted by Kovah

More quotes from GTA V

Fabian, Michael:

Fabian: Namaste.
Michael: Nama-go-fuck-yourself.

Game: GTA V

You look like you struggle with simple tasks.

Game: GTA V
Trevor, Wade:

Trevor: So, we ready to go on this?
Wade: Yep, although Floyd don't think it's a good idea meetin' at the condo...
Trevor: Tell Floyd it's a great idea to meet at the condo, and tell him we'll need chips and dip and prostitutes.

Game: GTA V
Political TV commercial:

We're fixing the problems that we made, together, which is why it's only fair that you pay for the problems, together.

Game: GTA V
Floyd, Trevor:

Floyd: You gotta go, both of you. My girlfriend, she'd kill me if she knew I had guests.
Trevor: Not much of a girlfriend if she don't like your family. Now would you get me a fucking drink? I'm not gonna ask you again!

Game: GTA V

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