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Epic Lines: the best Quotes in Gaming history
Featured Game: Baldur's Gate 3

A Quote from GTA V

Michael, Jimmy

Michael: Well, I had to. To protect you.
Jimmy: Yeah, keep telling yourself that, when you see their faces every time you close your eyes. Here we are. The bike rental place. Please don't shoot the bike rental guy out of, like, force of habit.

Submitted by Kovah

More quotes from GTA V


You're back, man. WE are back. All we gotta do is bust out Brad and then we're golden, man! Franklin, he makes us multicultural. Lester makes it cyber. We're like modern America. We just get ourselves a gay friend, and BAM!

Game: GTA V
Michael, Steve Haines:

Michael: It feels like I'm giving a colonoscopy to the Statue of Happiness.
Steve Haines: Nice change from being up Trevor Phillips' ass all day.

Game: GTA V
Michelle holding a flashlight while interrogating a prisoner:

Next, I'll have this thing so far up your ass, your tonsils will be playing shadow puppets.

Game: GTA V

Stop it! You're ruining my yoga!

Game: GTA V

Like, the other day, he posts this picture of his newborn, and I'm all like "Damn, son. That right there is one ugly-ass motherfucker of a baby." And I'm all like "My balls is prettier than that baby", and then I sent him a picture of my balls. "I seen roadkill prettier than that baby. What the hell is wrong with your baby?" And he's all like "Actually, there's a problem with its chromosomes," or something, and it's actually a miracle it survived birth. And I'm all like "It's actually a miracle I survived seeing a picture of its ugly..."

Game: GTA V

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