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Featured Game: Cyberpunk 2077

A Quote from GTA V


Look at me. I'm cranked on speed most of the time, but I'm productivity personified.

Submitted by Kovah

More quotes from GTA V

Floyd, Trevor:

Floyd: Wade, I heard you was off smoking meth somewhere.
Trevor: No, not somewhere, here. He's gonna smoke meth here. Get me a fucking lighter.
Floyd: You can't smoke here.
Trevor: Okay.

Game: GTA V
Michael De Santa:

You forget a thousand things every day, pal. Make sure this is one of 'em.

Game: GTA V
Trevor showing Floyd his dick:

Mine ain't nothin' special, but this boy gets the job done.

Game: GTA V
Beverly the Paparazzo :

She looks like a bloodhound in front of a wind mill.

Game: GTA V

You make me want a lobotomy!

Game: GTA V

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Game Quotes Statistics

Number of Quotes: 1243
English Quotes 577
German Quotes 666
Number of Games: 558
Since 2011