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A Quote from GTA IV

Doctor, Niko

Doctor: Did they die of natural causes?
Niko Bellic: I suppose... A bullet in the head is as close to natural causes as anything in this city.

Submitted by Cytarz

More quotes from GTA IV

Dimitri Rascalov, Niko:

Dimitri Rascalov: I want to buy you a present.
Niko: Will you wrap it up and put a pretty bow on it?

Game: GTA IV
Street Preacher:

I have been to the other side. I have been there and it's incredible. They have flying elephants. They have men made out of chocolate. They have pizzas as big as the city. They have a prize for the a person with the biggest heart, not the biggest wallet.

Game: GTA IV

I see you are taking a break from romancing every animal in the zoo to abuse the generosity of your cousin.

Game: GTA IV
Brucie, Niko:

Brucie: Nicky, we gotta get serious.
Niko: All right man. If you want my advice, the only way you're going to get your balls back to normal is if you stop juicing or get implants.

Game: GTA IV
Little Jacob:

You can't shake no hands when ye fist be clenched.

Game: GTA IV

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