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A Quote from GTA V

Fabian, Michael

Fabian: Namaste.
Michael: Nama-go-fuck-yourself.

Submitted by Kovah

More quotes from GTA V

Michael De Santa:

You forget a thousand things every day, pal. Make sure this is one of 'em.

Game: GTA V
Political TV commercial:

We're fixing the problems that we made, together, which is why it's only fair that you pay for the problems, together.

Game: GTA V
Trevor to Ron:

Now go! I need to meditate. Or masturbate. Or both.

Game: GTA V

I'll be there later to sign the contracts. Just ignore the bodies…

Game: GTA V
Michael, Steve Haines:

Michael: Alright... the fuck is this bullshit? We handled your little immigration problem or whatever the fuck it was. We're straight.
Steve Haines: Oh absolutely... yeah, yeah. You killed people, you tortured people, committed a litany of other crimes... Oh we're so straight you and me, we're arrows.

Game: GTA V

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