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Epic Lines: the best Quotes in Gaming history
Featured Game: Baldur's Gate 3

A Quote from GTA V

Fabian, Michael

Fabian: Namaste.
Michael: Nama-go-fuck-yourself.

Submitted by Kovah

More quotes from GTA V

Michael, Steve Haines:

Michael: It feels like I'm giving a colonoscopy to the Statue of Happiness.
Steve Haines: Nice change from being up Trevor Phillips' ass all day.

Game: GTA V
Jimmy, Michael:

Jimmy De Santa: Hey, let's bounce.
Michael De Santa: Bounce? We're bouncing now? Is that what we're doing? Jesus fucking Christ.

Game: GTA V
Police helicopter co-pilot:

Have you read the manual for this thing?

Game: GTA V

I’m not stoned at all. Hell no, not at all. Completely not stoned. I’m completely not stoned. I’m straight. Completely straight. I could do anything. Shitt, I could be a brain surgeon. Brain surgery, I could do that. Uhh, I shoulda been a surgeon. That’s what I shoulda been…

Game: GTA V
Internet ad:

Yoga unifies the mind and body while freeing you from the limitations of dignity and self-respect. It's a work out, a philosophy, and a metaphor all rolled into one. It is everything. It is nothing. Be. Be nothing.

Game: GTA V

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Number of Quotes: 1344
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Number of Games: 576
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