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Featured Game: Cyberpunk 2077

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GLaDOS, Announcer:

GLaDOS: Oh, thank God you're all right. You know, being Caroline taught me a valuable lesson. I thought you were my greatest enemy, when all along you were my best friend. The surge of emotion that shot through me when I saved your life taught me an even more valuable lesson - where Caroline lives in my brain.


Announcer: Caroline deleted.

GLaDOS: Goodbye, Caroline. You know, deleting Caroline just now taught me a valuable lesson: the best solution to a problem is usually the easiest one. And I'll be honest. Killing you? Is hard. You know what my days used to be like? I just tested. Nobody murdered me. Or put me in a potato. Or fed me to birds. I had a pretty good life. And then you showed up. You dangerous, mute lunatic. So you know what? You win. Just go.

GLaDOS starts Chell's elevator moving up; she laughs softly

GLaDOS: It's been fun. Don't come back.


Unlike everything else in your life, the work you do here matters!

Game: Doom 4

Only death awaits you all.

V, Jackie:

V: Said it yourself - you can kick the rat outta the corp...
Jackie: But you'll never kick the corp outta the rat.

Cortana, Master Chief:

Cortana: So have you got a plan to get out?
Master Chief: I was gonna shoot my way out. Mix things up a little.

Game: Halo 3
Wakako Okada:

Remember, V - it's unwise to engage in idle time. I am sometimes known to be rather impatient.


Yeah, who needs creepy, nosy cab drivers when you've got a clean AI to get you from point A to point B in style?

JC Denton:

You mechs may have copper wiring to reroute your fear of pain, but I've got nerves of steel.

V, Padre:

V: So, Padre. You think Jackie's looking don upon us... from up there?
Padre: I believe he has met God, stood before him.
V: That's it?
Padre: I don't know if God left the meeting happy, but I'm pretty certain Jackie did.


Work for yourself, live for yourself. That's the only way.

V, T-Bug:

V: Bug, ya could at least try to be... nice.
T-Bug: You want nice, supportive? Call a damn helpline.

Gray Fox:

Fighting was the only thing I was ever good at, but at least I always fought for what I believed in.


I sit in my cubicle, here on the motherworld. When I die, they will put my body in a box, and dispose of it in the cold ground. And in all the million ages to come, I will never breathe, or laugh, or twitch again. So won't you run and play with me here among the teeming mass of humanity? The universe has spared us this moment.

Jackie to V:

Hey, hermano. Your new life... it starts now.

Chairman Sheng-ji Yang:

Technological advance is an inherently iterative process. One does
not simply take sand from the beach and produce a Dataprobe. We
use crude tools to fashion better tools, and then our better tools to
fashion more precise tools, and so on. Each minor refinement is a
step in the process, and all of the steps must be taken.

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Number of Quotes: 1243
English Quotes 577
German Quotes 666
Number of Games: 558
Since 2011