Top Quotes with the most Likes
Doctor: Did they die of natural causes?
Niko Bellic: I suppose... A bullet in the head is as close to natural causes as anything in this city.
Gordon Sargent: So you're in, big guy? Or are we gonna have to kill ya?
Niko Bellic: Well, since you put it that way... I'm in.
Elizabeta: Everyone's a rat!
Niko: Not me.
Jimmy De Santa: Hey, let's bounce.
Michael De Santa: Bounce? We're bouncing now? Is that what we're doing? Jesus fucking Christ.
We all need friends, old timer. We die alone, but we live among men.
I just know that there are two theories when arguing with women. And neither one works.
I have no interests in cooked flesh. The chef’s life is not for me.
Opening up a finely aged cask of whoop-ass.
Can't think of anything I want dead right now. I'm sure I'll think of somethin', though.