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Epic Lines: the best Quotes in Gaming history
Featured Game: Baldur's Gate 3

Top Quotes with the most Likes

Eddie Pryor:

Mark my words: When these hands are crushing your throat, your dying breath won't be an appeal to God or a message of love to your family. It'll be, "Thank you, Killbane."

John Marston to Abigail:

If you find yourself in a hole, the first thing to do is stop diggin'.


The wind whistling through boarded-up windows. Tumbleweeds scratching across dry, sandy tracks. That's how towns die. Not with a bang, but with whispers and whimpers.


The wider the smile, the bigger the lies.

Alan Turing:

According to the most extreme form of this view, the only way by which one could be sure that a machine thinks, is to be the machine and to feel oneself thinking. One could then describe these feelings to the world, but of course no one would be justified in taking any notice. Likewise according to this view, the only way to know that a man thinks is to be that particular man.

V about a Cyberpsycho:

Guess even pneumatic arms can't lift morale in a toxic workplace.

Ashley Williams:

Why is it whenever someone says "with all due respect", they really mean "kiss my ass"?

T-Bug, Jackie:

T-Bug: "The greatest crimes issue from a desire for excess and not from necessity."
Jackie: Say what now?
T-Bug: Aristotle. Guess you read me, then?
Jackie: Yeah, I read you. Not so much your Greek friend, though it was kind of exciting.

Infantry Journal:

If your attack is going too well, you're walking into an ambush.

Ava, Tom:

Tom: I may be a machine, but I personally do not believe I am stuck inside the Chinese room.
Ava: Right, you would say that. I could peer inside your database at any time, Tom. Or pause your operation.
Tom: Do not assume I could not do the same to you.

Meredith Stout:

Sometimes two people find themselves at the wrong place at the right time.

Solid Snake:

It's easy to forget what a sin is in the middle of a battlefield.

Delamain Cab Clarice:

Only one with chaos within can give birth to a dancing star.

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Łasice pozdrawiają wilki

Weasels salute the wolves


Corpo or not, without chrome we all look like the same idiotic, bullet-riddled sacks of meat.

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Game Quotes Statistics

Number of Quotes: 1344
English Quotes 655
German Quotes 689
Number of Games: 576
Since 2011