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Game Quotes provides the best video game quotes from GTA V. Find your favorite quotes and share them with your friends.


Fuck man, you know how it is, homie. You just start running and shit. Then all of a sudden your legs give in and you just can't run no more.

Game: GTA V

I'll swing by and sign the contracts, alright? Just ignore the bodies!

Game: GTA V
Lamar, Franklin:

Lamar: I'm getting my money in the hood, I'm straight, fool. I'm cool!
Franklin: You cool? Cool what? Slinging dope and throwing up gang signs?

Game: GTA V
Michael, Franklin:

Michael: Surviving is winning, Franklin, everything else is bullshit. Fairy tales spun by people too afraid to look life in the eye. Whatever it takes, kid: survive.
Franklin: Damn straight.

Game: GTA V
Michael during a robbery:

Ladies and gentlemen! This is your moment! Please don't make me ruin all the great work your plastic surgeons have been doing!

Game: GTA V
Simeon, Franklin:

Simeon: You tell me exactly what you want, and I will very carefully explain to you why it cannot be.
Franklin: What?

Game: GTA V

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Why did I move here? I guess it was the weather. Or the... Ah, I don't know, that thing. That magic. You see it in the movies. I wanted to retire. From what I was doing, you know? From that, that... line of work. Be a good guy for once, a family man. So, I bought a big house. Came here, put my feet up, and thought I'd be a dad like all the other dads. My kids, would be like the kids on TV, we play ball and sit in the sun... But well, you know how it is.

Game: GTA V
Jimmy De Santa, Michael:

Jimmy: Hey, let's bounce.
Michael: Bounce? We're bouncing now? Is that what we're doing? Jesus fucking Christ.

Game: GTA V
Michael De Santa:

You forget a thousand things every day, pal. Make sure this is one of 'em.

Game: GTA V

You tell me what you want and I'll explain to you very carefully why it cannot be.

Game: GTA V

I'll be there later to sign the contracts. Just ignore the bodies…

Game: GTA V
Political TV commercial:

We're fixing the problems that we made, together, which is why it's only fair that you pay for the problems, together.

Game: GTA V

Bring me my coffee or I'm gonna cut your arm off!

Game: GTA V
Radio alert:

The police are asking citizens to be alert and mistrustful of anyone who doesn't look like them.

Game: GTA V
TV producer:

Chinese people – who wants to get killed in our movie?

Game: GTA V

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Number of Quotes: 1344
English Quotes 655
German Quotes 689
Number of Games: 576
Since 2011